Aku kembali dengan keisengan permainan yang dibuat oleh Kak Put. Jadi, ini cuma games biasa yang lumayan bisa buat isi blog. Thanks to Kak Put yang sudah susah payah bikin games ini. Bisa berandai-andai seru di sini, guys! Yuk, mulai!
- If you could excel one thing in one hour, what would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- MAKING SWEET AND DELISH FOOD. (Wondering how to sum up that into one words) I wanna make macaron, sorbet, cheesecake, choco mousse, and all that sweet kind of thing! x )
- If you were reborn into any fictional character, who would you want to be?
- It’s gonna be MARGO ROTH SPIEGELMAN! Because Margo can run away the way she want, to seek for her happiness, to find who is she, and what she’s supposed to be.
- If you could commit any crime without having to deal with the consequences, what would it be?
- If there were a holiday in your honor, what would it celebrate?
- INTERNATIONAL NO GADGET DAY!!! Can’t we just stop one day and make friends like the old men do?
- If you could date any person, be it real person or fictional characters, dead or alive, which person would you date?
- ELIOS ZANQUEN!! OMG- i fell in love with him. bahahaha
- If you could be in any place right now, where would it be?
- Di kota halaman, TANGERANG. Udah, cukup. :’)
- If you could remove one thing you loathe about yourself, what would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- My negativity– It’s too much. it’s consuming my life.
- If you could change history, what would you change?
- Errr…. Everything happened for a reason so…
- If you had time and money to pursue any hobby, what would it be?
- and…
- If you were a piece of any kind of furniture, what would you be?
- If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- If people made a movie of your life, what would the title be and which actor would you want to play you?
- BEHIND THE WALL. Dziuuu! The title tho xD
- Jared Leto! xDD
- https://36.media.tumblr.com/0917d6a7c38ada29de8907b3719ab9c7/tumblr_n27pf12nrP1tvpklqo1_500.jpg
- If you were a dessert, which one would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- I can’t choose between cheesecake or macaron but….
- i’ll choose CHEESECAKE. strawberry cheesecake oreo cheesecake!! cheesecake with every topping xDDDD
- If you were bitten by a vampire, at what age would you want to stuck?
- Twenty something please :)))
- If you were an Olympic athlete, what sport would you compete in?
- Athletic or umm… archery, maybe?
- If you had to be a flower, which one would you like to be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- If you were a color, what color would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- I want to be yellow, but a bit pale yellow.
- If you were a spy, what would your codename be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- wisteria
- If you had a theme song that played whenever you walked into a room full of people, what song would it be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- Sawano Hiroyuki ft. Aimee Blackschleger – Release My Soul
- If someone gave you an island, what would you name it? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- Nothing island- I’ll give you nothing, I’ll take nothing, just do nothing. xDD
- If you were a tree, what and where would you be? (please note: ONLY ONE ANSWER).
- Pohon yang bukan bahan baku kertas, bahan baku furnitur, pohon langka yang cuma bisa tumbuh dan merindang. Dan harus ada di seluruh dunia. Dunia butuh pohon semacam ini..
- If you were to be a natural element, which would you rather be: air, earth, fire, water?
- I want to be WATER xD
- If you were heading out on a road trip right this minute, name three things you don’t want to miss?
- Full-money wallet, full-charged phone, mp3 player
- If you were a scientist, what would you invent?
- Kayu sintesis yang seratnya terdiri dari selulosa dan hemiselulosa yang bisa dibuat kertas. Jadi kayu-kayu di hutan nggak perlu ditebangin. Bikin aja sintesa seratnya di lapangan.
- If you could say something to whoever read this, what would you say?
- I took a lot of time to think about the answers LMAO
- Thanks kak put yang udah bikin games ini.
- Terima kasih sudah membaca catatan ini xDD
- Kalau mau ikutan, boleh, tapi linkback ke postingan kakput ya <3
- Photos are not mine
- Salam! xD
Aku pengen berterimakasih ke kak mala karena lewat postingan ini aku nemu lagu ketje dari Om Sawano :^
Nomor 1 stuju ih soalnya aku gak bisa masak huhuhu.
Nomor 7 juga aduh baru inget. Aku juga pengen menghapus segala sifat negatif yang kupunya 🙁
Aku pengen banget nyoba duduk di hanging chair xD.
Trus yang panahan samaan kita kak, huhu. Pokoknya yang bidik2 target itu ketje aja keliatannya :^
Nomor 21 dan 24 nya kece ya. Bener sih, walau ebook dibikin mgkn salah satu fungsinya adalah mengganti kertas, tapi megang buku asli beneran itu emang lebih gimanaa gitu. Bener banget, perlu bikin kertas sintesis, hihihi. Walau cuma games tapi tetep aja ada pesan yang bisa diambil yah, wkwk. 😀
Kak mala, aku udah komen semalam tapi kayaknya nyangkut di udara :^
Gambar tahunya mengalihkan dunia, wkwkwk. Kakak suka baking ya? Huhu, jadi pengen belajar masak2 baking2 juga aku belom lolos kualifikasi istri idaman krna gak bisa masak 🙁 #lah
International no gadget day! Huhu ini harus diwujudkan memang! Bahkan pas merayakan international no gadget day pun gak boleh posting hashtag di hari yang sama di akun socmed; kan ketje XD
My negativity, lah aku baru kepikiran kak. Ini komplit banget jawabannya 🙁
Aku pengen banget nyoba duduk di hanging chair, huhu, belum kesampaian sampai sekarang.
Nah, nomor 21 sama 24 super pisan kak. Buku dari bahan kayu sintesis sounds cool. Walau salah satu tujuan ebook dkk itu biar mngurangi pemakaian kertas, tapi ttp buku asli di tangan dan bau kertas itu sesuatu yang gak bisa tergantikan :^ Jawab2 games ini aja kakak ttp kasi pesan moral, takjub jdinya 😀
Terimakasih sudah berbagi kaak! 😀
kak malaaa, pic jared leto precious sekali, kak. heuheuu
kayanya international no gadget day asik tuh, kak 😀
– aku juga pengen bisa masak segala jenis sweetness kayak gitu maaaal huhu. seru kali yaaa hahahaha.
– indeed, margo tuh bisa lari ke mana yang dia mau yhaaa huhu pengen kayak margo 🙁
– awwww kursi gantung xD
– yash setuju sama international no gadget day! hahahaha.